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Home » Prof. Andrew (A.J.) Boyd

Prof. Andrew (A.J.) Boyd

CNS photo Easter Vigil 2018

Easter Vigil 2018
(Credit Catholic News Service)

Originally from the Seattle area and with nearly a decade of ministry experience there, I have been teaching theology for seminary and university students for about fifteen years, and now have more than twenty years experience in ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, and as a formator for current and future ministers. 

I moved to Rome in 2009 as a Russell Berrie Fellow in Interreligious Studies. After two years of studies, I was asked to staff the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue and direct the Fellows and visiting faculty in Rome. While in that role I began teaching in 2013. Over the next decade, I taught about seventy university and seminary courses for a variety of institutions: Pontifical Beda College, The Catholic University of America, Australian Catholic University, Assumption University, Richmond University, Loyola University Chicago and others.

In early 2024 I accepted a position with the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz International Center for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue (Lisbon) to lead their flagship fellows programme. 

I have been a resident or visiting Fellow, Researcher, or Scholar at the Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas (Rome), the Tantur Ecumenical Institute (Jerusalem), the Shalom Hartman Institute (Jerusalem), the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University (Wales), and Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece).

I have been a collaborator or contractor with the Pontifical Dicastery for Christian Unity, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, the International Union of Superiors General, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Caritas Internationalis, and book projects of two cardinals.

I am currently on the board of directors for North American Academy of Ecumenists, the Boy Scouts of America Transatlantic Council, and a global consultant for the World Organization of the Scout Movement. I served previously on the board of directors of the University of Notre Dame Alumni Association.

[This blog, formerly named “Pro Unione”, does not represent the Centro Pro Unione in Rome, though naturally I have spent many hours there. I selected the name of the blog before moving to Rome and encountering the center, but for the same reasons: “For Unity”.]


  1. Jimmy Mac says:

    AJ – thanks for introducing my to your blogsite. I will haunt it from time to time.

    Have a good study year!

    Jim McCrea

  2. gayatri wedotami says:

    Dear A.J,

    Handsome blog, Handsome blogger,
    Handsome motto, Working for Christian Unity from the heart of Rome
    I am glad being a Christian-Shia, living for a few months in the heart of Rome with you.


  3. Danny Manyasi says:

    Hallo A. J.!
    Good to have found myself in your blog. Please kindly locate me a congregation or diocese that ‘stands’ late foreign priestly vocation.

    I am a 38 years old East African much interested in both Deaf and Blind apostolate.

    Merry x-mas and happy 2013!!!

  4. Theodore says:


    I appreciate your blog and the work (and studies) you are doing in the Eternal City. I’m looking into studying at the Angelicum myself. Please send me an e-mail when you get a chance to talk about studies there and life in Rome.

    God bless,


  5. Nate Bacon says:

    Hi AJ! Greetings from Guatemala! How are things these days with you? Would love to connect some time. Drop me a line!


    Deacon Nate Bacon

  6. Nancy Walton-House says:

    Hi AJ, it was great seeing you at St. James Cathedral Midnight Mass in Seattle this year. What a surprise and treat. I hope to hear more from you when time permits. Good fortune in your continuing studies. Nancy Walton-House

  7. A.J.: Feel free to use my teaching website since you are teaching a course with that title, with the condition that you contribute to its revision which I will undertake in November-=December 2014. Will be Trastevere late September through late October. Let’s connect on Linkedin, and maybe meet and chat in Rome.

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